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Here are five car safety tips everyone should know

by Trevor Riggs - Posted 2 years ago

Here are five car safety tips everyone should know

For people who spend so much time behind the wheel, driving becomes second nature, and we often forget to drive safely. Here are four safety tips you should know as a driver. If you incorporate a few simple steps into your routine, you can save someone's life, whether your own or your passengers. 

Make sure you don't multitask

Even using in-vehicle technologies like navigation systems and the radio can divert your attention from the task. Multitasking distracts you from the task at hand. Before you hit the gas, set your route and select your favorite station. If you need to contact someone immediately, pull over, make calls, or send texts once you reach your destination. Whenever the kids fight, ignore them until they have stopped fighting.

Remember to buckle up.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) has always told you to buckle your seatbelt. Now that you're in charge, you can make the difference between cruising with friends or staying in the hospital by following this basic rule. Buckling up is the best way to protect yourself from an accident, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). It estimated that 16,958 lives were saved in 2020 alone by seat belt use, even though most states have passed laws mandating them.

Make sure you pack an emergency kit.

If you keep a plastic bin in your trunk with supplies, you can get help, make minor repairs, and tell other drivers about your troubles in an emergency. Make sure you pack a spare cell phone, a jumper cable, a flashlight, and work gloves. Pack a windshield scraper, a blanket, and a small folding shovel in the winter.

You must keep the roadways safe, whether a skilled driver or an amateur. Follow these tips to stay safe and arrive at your destination.

Car seats for kids need to be checked.

Children need special protection in cars. Regularly check your child's seats and boosters to ensure they're correctly installed. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, your child is 71% less likely to die in a car accident with a car seat.

Most late-model vehicles include a set of upper and lower fasteners to buckle in car seats securely. Always use a seat appropriate for the child's age, height, and weight, and replace them immediately as your child outgrows it. Buying a new car seat can seem overwhelming, as dozens of options are on the shelves. Refer to WebMD's website for help choosing between a rear- or forward-facing seat or a booster. Consider having your local fire station install it for you.

Gas Mileage Tips.

The rise in gas prices may cause you to spend more on gas. Saving money is easy if you follow these tips. Slow your acceleration down to 15 seconds from 0-60 mph to save 30% on gas mileage. You'll save 21% more gas if you drive 55 mph instead of 10-15 miles over.

When you are driving at high speeds, close your windows. You can lose up to 10% of your gas mileage by opening your windows.

For more tips, you can check out our blog.

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